This company had decentralized approach to tracking assets. Each unit receiving equipment was responsible for maintaining asset records. But company wanted to centralize this responsibility for better tracking.
Ensure that critical medical equipment used by departments like OT should be properly maintained and ready for use any time.
Save time and money in procuring unnecessary equipment.
Need cost effective solution for assets tracking.
Reduce misuse and theft cases of expensive medical equipment.
Considering the requirement for tracking important assets like office equipment, tools and equipment, the management from a hospital approached Chainway. Chainway suggested C4000 handheld scanner to overcome these challenges. The current information system was manual. Chainway implemented a solution with customized software and C4000 handheld scanner. Chainway connected C4000 to the hospital system and integrated all the equipment data into it, thus realized an intelligent management of equipment assets tracking.
Roll Call Management
The handheld gets all the medical equipment data from the current information system in the hospital. Every equipment is given a unique barcode ID badge which carries all the information such as date of purchase, date of maintenance, custodian, department etc. Management can track the detail of equipment by just scanning the equipment barcode.
Tool Distribution
Before a concern department gets equipment, the guard scans the equipment’s ID badge pasted on equipment and the back end system can allot the equipment to concern department.
Tool Returning
When a department returns the tool, the guard first scans his/her ID badge. All the tools & equipment registered under his/her name will be listed on the handheld. Then the guard scans the barcode label of the tool. Once scanned, the tool will be eliminated automatically from the list.
It simplifies the process of equipment and tool management.
It avoids human mistakes such as using wrong equipment and tool missing in case of urgency.
Administrators can take quick action in case.
The transmission of the real time equipment data between the handheld computer and the backend data base makes the data checking and management faster and easier.
PDA Configuration
P/N: C4000
Functions: 1D barcode
Product Display