Distribution Center Management

In long distance shipping, mechanize need to experience several transits in multiple distribution centers, so do physical shipping orders. Workers in distribution centers do not have access to the real-time status of one shipment. Lack of transparency leads to impossibility of tracing back to the exact step where things go wrong when incidents occur.
When a shipment arrives at a distribution center, workers use Chainway PDAs to automatically validate loads and improve logistics accuracy. A scan at a distribution center can be used to update information in logistics applications via wireless connectivity, and it also tells workers the next stop of a pallet of products.


1. A pallet of RFID/barcode-tagged cases can be identified through Chainway PDAs which is integrated with RFID/barcode scanner. The read data provides information for an advance ship notice.

2. Every scan transmits the read data to the back-end server wirelessly (3G/4G/Wi-Fi). Operators can view the status of one shipment in real time.

Chainway PDA reads cargo data and sends it to the backend server, which would match the read data against the customer order to validate that no cases were missing and that case quantities were correct.